Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shock Xpress - Necrophilia in the Movies

"The last taboo! There's a phrase to be seen on the cover of many a paperback, and it usually turns out to refer to cannibalism. I wonder. There seems to be a general feeling that, in extreme circumstances, eating people may be excusable. Suppose, though, that the survivors of that notorious Andean air crash, rather than eating their dead fellows, had - well, you know...

In the endless list of strange sexual activities, all of which are enjoyed by someone, somewhere, necrophilia must rank pretty highly on the taboo scale. Furthermore, it may be the most extreme perversion to have been portrayed in generally available film."

In a fascinating article in the third Shock Xpress book ("A Coffin Named Desire"), Colin Davis delves into the depiction of necrophilia in the movies. This is the first post in a series of posts featuring films discussed in Davis's article.

Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette
(Dick Randall, 1974)

Flesh For Frankenstein
(Paul Morrissey and Antonio Margheriti, 1973)


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I put your blog's link at my weblog

  2. You fall off the face of the Earth, Valter?

  3. (And while I wasn't thinking it at the time ...

    "Merciful gods of Earth, I am falling into the sky!")

  4. I hope you haven't abandoned the project. This has been my favorite blog for a loooong time.

  5. Your absence is noticeable Valter. I hope you're working on something big.

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    ah Valter! ah!


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